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🌠 Console Scripts

Console Scripts 🌠

🌟 SeleniumBase console scripts can do many things, such as downloading web drivers, creating test directories with config files, activating the SeleniumBase Recorder, launching the SeleniumBase Commander, translating tests into other languages, running a Selenium Grid, and more.

  • Usage: seleniumbase [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS]

  • (simplified): sbase [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS]

  • To list all commands: seleniumbase --help

(For running tests, use pytest with SeleniumBase.)

      get / install    [DRIVER] [OPTIONS]
      methods          (List common Python methods)
      options          (List common pytest options)
      behave-options   (List common behave options)
      gui / commander  [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]
      behave-gui       (SBase Commander for Behave)
      caseplans        [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]
      mkdir            [DIRECTORY] [OPTIONS]
      mkfile           [] [OPTIONS]
      mkrec / codegen  [] [OPTIONS]
      recorder         (Open Recorder Desktop App.)
      record           (If args: mkrec. Else: App.)
      mkpres           [] [LANG]
      mkchart          [] [LANG]
      print            [FILE] [OPTIONS]
      translate        [] [LANG] [ACTION]
      convert          []
      extract-objects  []
      inject-objects   [] [OPTIONS]
      objectify        [] [OPTIONS]
      revert-objects   [] [OPTIONS]
      encrypt / obfuscate
      decrypt / unobfuscate
      proxy            (Start a basic proxy server)
      download server  (Get Selenium Grid JAR file)
      grid-hub         [start|stop] [OPTIONS]
      grid-node        [start|stop] --hub=[HOST/IP]
 * (EXAMPLE: "sbase get chromedriver") *

    Type "sbase help [COMMAND]" for specific command info.
    For info on all commands, type: "seleniumbase --help".
    Use "pytest" for running tests.

get / install

  • Usage:
sbase get [DRIVER] [OPTIONS]
sbase install [DRIVER] [OPTIONS]
  • Examples:
sbase get chromedriver
sbase get geckodriver
sbase get edgedriver
sbase get chromedriver 114
sbase get chromedriver 114.0.5735.90
sbase get chromedriver stable
sbase get chromedriver beta
sbase get chromedriver -p

(Drivers: chromedriver, geckodriver, edgedriver, iedriver, uc_driver)

(Options: A specific driver version or major version integer. If not set, the driver version matches the browser. -p / --path: Also copy to "/usr/local/bin".)

  • Output:

Downloads the webdriver to seleniumbase/drivers/ (chromedriver is required for Chrome automation) (geckodriver is required for Firefox automation) (edgedriver is required for MS__Edge automation)


  • Usage:
sbase methods
  • Output:

Displays common SeleniumBase Python methods.


  • Usage:
sbase options
  • Output:

Displays common pytest command-line options that are available when using SeleniumBase.

--browser=BROWSER  (The web browser to use. Default is "chrome")
--edge / --firefox / --safari  (Shortcut for browser selection.)
--headless  (Run tests headlessly. Default mode on Linux OS.)
--demo  (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
--slow  (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
--rs / --reuse-session  (Reuse browser session between tests.)
--crumbs  (Clear all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--maximize  (Start tests with the web browser window maximized.)
--dashboard  (Enable SeleniumBase\'s Dashboard at dashboard.html)
--incognito  (Enable Chromium\'s Incognito mode.)
--guest  (Enable Chromium\'s Guest Mode.)
--dark  (Enable Chromium\'s Dark Mode.)
--uc  (Use undetected-chromedriver to evade detection.)
-m=MARKER  (Run tests with the specified pytest marker.)
-n=NUM  (Multithread the tests using that many threads.)
-v  (Verbose mode. Print the full names of each test run.)
--html=report.html  (Create a detailed pytest-html report.)
--collect-only / --co  (Only show discovered tests. No run.)
--co -q  (Only show full names of discovered tests. No run.)
-x  (Stop running tests after the first failure is reached.)
--pdb  (Enter the Post Mortem Debug Mode after any test fails.)
--trace  (Enter Debug Mode immediately after starting any test.)
      | Debug Mode Commands  >>>   help / h: List all commands. |
      |   n: Next line of method. s: Step through. c: Continue. |
      |  return / r: Run until method returns. j: Jump to line. |
      | where / w: Show stack spot. u: Up stack. d: Down stack. |
      | longlist / ll: See code. dir(): List namespace objects. |
--help / -h  (Display list of all available pytest options.)
--final-debug  (Enter Final Debug Mode after each test ends.)
--recorder / --rec  (Save browser actions as Python scripts.)
--rec-behave / --rec-gherkin  (Save actions as Gherkin code.)
--rec-print  (Display recorded scripts when they are created.)
--save-screenshot  (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
--archive-logs  (Archive old log files instead of deleting them.)
--check-js  (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--start-page=URL  (The browser start page when tests begin.)
--agent=STRING  (Modify the web browser\'s User-Agent string.)
--mobile  (Use Chromium\'s mobile device emulator during tests.)
--metrics=STRING  (Set mobile "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
--ad-block  (Block some types of display ads after page loads.)
--settings-file=FILE  (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
--env=ENV  (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
--data=DATA  (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
--disable-csp  (Disable the Content Security Policy of websites.)
--remote-debug  (Sync to Ch-R-Debugger chrome://inspect/#devices)
--server=SERVER  (The Selenium Grid server/IP used for tests.)
--port=PORT  (The Selenium Grid port used by the test server.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT  (Connect to a proxy server:port for tests.)
--proxy=USER:PASS@SERVER:PORT  (Use authenticated proxy server.)

For the full list of command-line options, type: "pytest --help".


  • Usage:
sbase behave-options
  • Output:

Displays common Behave command-line options that are available when using SeleniumBase.

-D browser=BROWSER  (The web browser to use. Default is "chrome")
-D headless  (Run tests headlessly. Default mode on Linux OS.)
-D demo  (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
-D slow  (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
-D reuse-session / -D rs  (Reuse browser session between tests.)
-D crumbs  (Clear all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
-D maximize  (Start tests with the web browser window maximized.)
-D dashboard  (Enable SeleniumBase\'s Dashboard at dashboard.html)
-D incognito  (Enable Chromium\'s Incognito Mode.)
-D guest  (Enable Chromium\'s Guest Mode.)
-D dark  (Enable Chromium\'s Dark Mode.)
-D uc  (Use undetected-chromedriver to evade detection.)
--no-snippets / -q  (Quiet mode. Don\'t print snippets.)
--dry-run / -d  (Dry run. Only show discovered tests.)
--stop  (Stop running tests after the first failure is reached.)
-D pdb  (Enter the Post Mortem Debug Mode after any test fails.)
      | Debug Mode Commands  >>>   help / h: List all commands. |
      |   n: Next line of method. s: Step through. c: Continue. |
      |  return / r: Run until method returns. j: Jump to line. |
      | where / w: Show stack spot. u: Up stack. d: Down stack. |
      | longlist / ll: See code. dir(): List namespace objects. |
-D recorder  (Record browser actions to generate test scripts.)
-D rec-print  (Display recorded scripts when they are created.)
-D save-screenshot  (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
-D archive-logs  (Archive old log files instead of deleting them.)
-D check-js  (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
-D start-page=URL  (The browser start page when tests begin.)
-D agent=STRING  (Modify the web browser\'s User-Agent string.)
-D mobile  (Use Chromium\'s mobile device emulator during tests.)
-D metrics=STRING  (Set mobile "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
-D ad-block  (Block some types of display ads after page loads.)
-D settings-file=FILE  (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
-D env=ENV  (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
-D data=DATA  (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
-D disable-csp  (Disable the Content Security Policy of websites.)
-D remote-debug  (Sync to Ch-R-Debugger chrome://inspect/#devices)
-D server=SERVER  (The Selenium Grid server/IP used for tests.)
-D port=PORT  (The Selenium Grid port used by the test server.)
-D proxy=SERVER:PORT  (Connect to a proxy server:port for tests.)
-D proxy=USER:PASS@SERVER:PORT  (Use authenticated proxy server.)

For the full list of command-line options, type: "behave --help".

gui / commander

  • Usage:
sbase commander [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]


  • Usage:
sbase behave-gui [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]
sbase gui-behave [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]
  • Examples:
sbase behave-gui
sbase behave-gui -i=calculator
sbase behave-gui features/
sbase behave-gui features/calculator.feature
  • Output:

Launches SeleniumBase Commander / GUI for Behave.


  • Usage:
sbase caseplans [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]
  • Examples:
sbase caseplans
sbase caseplans -k agent
sbase caseplans -m marker2
sbase caseplans
sbase caseplans offline_examples/
  • Output:

Launches the SeleniumBase Case Plans Generator.


  • Usage:
sbase mkdir [DIRECTORY] [OPTIONS]
  • Example:
sbase mkdir ui_tests
  • Options:

-b / --basic (Only config files. No tests added.)

  • Output:

Creates a new folder for running SBase scripts. The new folder contains default config files, sample tests for helping new users get started, and Python boilerplates for setting up customized test frameworks.

├── pytest.ini
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.cfg
└── boilerplates/
    └── samples/

If running with the -b or --basic option:

├── pytest.ini
├── requirements.txt
└── setup.cfg


  • Usage:
sbase mkfile [] [OPTIONS]
  • Example:
sbase mkfile
  • Options:

--uc (UC Mode boilerplate using SB context manager) -b / --basic (Basic boilerplate / single-line test) -r / --rec (Adds Pdb+ breakpoint for Recorder Mode) --url=URL (Makes the test start on a specific page)

  • Language Options:

--en / --English | --zh / --Chinese --nl / --Dutch | --fr / --French --it / --Italian | --ja / --Japanese --ko / --Korean | --pt / --Portuguese --ru / --Russian | --es / --Spanish

  • Syntax Formats:

--bc / --basecase (BaseCase class inheritance) --pf / --pytest-fixture (sb pytest fixture) --cf / --class-fixture (class + sb pytest fixture) --cm / --context-manager (SB context manager) --dc / --driver-context (DriverContext manager) --dm / --driver-manager (Driver manager)

  • Output:

Creates a new SBase test file with boilerplate code. If the file already exists, an error is raised. By default, uses English with BaseCase inheritance, and creates a boilerplate with common SeleniumBase methods: "open", "type", "click", "assert_element", and "assert_text". If using the basic boilerplate option, only the "open" method is included. Only the BaseCase format supports Languages or Recorder Mode. UC Mode automatically uses English with SB() format.

mkrec / record / codegen

  • Usage:
sbase mkrec [] [OPTIONS]
sbase codegen [] [OPTIONS]
  • Examples:
sbase mkrec
sbase mkrec
sbase codegen
sbase codegen
  • Options:

--url=URL (Sets the initial start page URL.) --edge (Use Edge browser instead of Chrome.) --gui / --headed (Use headed mode on Linux.) --uc / --undetected (Use undetectable mode.) --ee (Use SHIFT + ESC to end the recording.) --overwrite (Overwrite file when it exists.) --behave (Also output Behave/Gherkin files.)

  • Output:

Creates a new SeleniumBase test using the Recorder. If the filename already exists, an error is raised.


  • Usage:
sbase recorder [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

--uc / --undetected (Use undetectable mode.) --behave (Also output Behave/Gherkin files.)

  • Output:

Launches the SeleniumBase Recorder Desktop App.


  • Usage:
sbase mkpres [] [LANG]
  • Example:
sbase mkpres --en
  • Language Options:

--en / --English | --zh / --Chinese --nl / --Dutch | --fr / --French --it / --Italian | --ja / --Japanese --ko / --Korean | --pt / --Portuguese --ru / --Russian | --es / --Spanish

  • Output:

Creates a new presentation with 3 example slides. If the file already exists, an error is raised. By default, the slides are written in English, and use "serif" theme with "slide" transition. The slides can be used as a basic boilerplate.


  • Usage:
sbase mkchart [] [LANG]
  • Example:
sbase mkchart --en
  • Language Options:

--en / --English | --zh / --Chinese --nl / --Dutch | --fr / --French --it / --Italian | --ja / --Japanese --ko / --Korean | --pt / --Portuguese --ru / --Russian | --es / --Spanish

  • Output:

Creates a new SeleniumBase chart presentation. If the file already exists, an error is raised. By default, the slides are written in English, and use a "sky" theme with "slide" transition. The chart can be used as a basic boilerplate.


  • Usage:
sbase print [FILE] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

-n (Add line Numbers to the rows)

  • Output:

Prints the code/text of any file with syntax-highlighting.


  • Usage:
sbase translate [] [LANGUAGE] [ACTION]
  • Languages:

--en / --English | --zh / --Chinese --nl / --Dutch | --fr / --French --it / --Italian | --ja / --Japanese --ko / --Korean | --pt / --Portuguese --ru / --Russian | --es / --Spanish

  • Actions:

-p / --print (Print translation output to the screen) -o / --overwrite (Overwrite the file being translated) -c / --copy (Copy the translation to a new .py file)

  • Options:

-n (include line Numbers when using the Print action)

  • Output:

Translates a SeleniumBase Python file into the language specified. Method calls and "import" lines get swapped. Both a language and an action must be specified. The -p action can be paired with one other action. When running with -c (or --copy), the new file name will be the original name appended with an underscore plus the 2-letter language code of the new language. (Example: Translating "" into Japanese with -c will create a new file called "".)


  • Usage:
sbase extract-objects []
  • Output:

Creates page objects based on selectors found in a seleniumbase Python file and saves those objects to the "" file in the same folder as the tests.


  • Usage:
sbase inject-objects [] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

-c, --comments (Add object selectors to the comments.)

  • Output:

Takes the page objects found in the "" file and uses those to replace matching selectors in the selected seleniumbase Python file.


  • Usage:
sbase objectify [] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

-c, --comments (Add object selectors to the comments.)

  • Output:

A modified version of the file where the selectors have been replaced with variable names defined in "", supporting the Page Object Pattern. (This has the same outcome as combining extract-objects with inject-objects)


  • Usage:
sbase revert-objects [] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

-c, --comments (Keep existing comments for the lines.)

  • Output:

Reverts the changes made by seleniumbase objectify ... or seleniumbase inject-objects ... when run against a seleniumbase Python file. Objects will get replaced by selectors stored in the "" file.


  • Usage:
sbase convert []
  • Output:

Converts a Selenium IDE exported WebDriver unittest file into a SeleniumBase file. Adds _SB to the new filename while keeping the original file intact. Works on both Selenium IDE & Katalon Recorder scripts.

encrypt / obfuscate

  • Usage:

sbase encrypt OR sbase obfuscate

  • Output:

Runs the password encryption/obfuscation tool. (Where you can enter a password to encrypt/obfuscate.)

decrypt / unobfuscate

  • Usage:

sbase decrypt OR sbase unobfuscate

  • Output:

Runs the password decryption/unobfuscation tool. (Where you can enter an encrypted password to decrypt.)


  • Usage:
sbase proxy [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

--hostname=HOSTNAME (Set hostname) (Default: --port=PORT (Set port) (Default: 8899) --help / -h (Display list of all available proxy options.)

  • Output:

Launch a basic proxy server on the current machine. (Uses as the default address.)


  • Usage:
sbase download server
  • Output:

Downloads the Selenium Server JAR file for Grid usage. (That JAR file is required when using a Selenium Grid)


  • Usage:
sbase grid-hub {start|stop|restart} [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

-v, --verbose (Increases verbosity of logging output.) --timeout=TIMEOUT (Close idle browser windows after TIMEOUT seconds.)

  • Output:

Controls the Selenium Grid Hub server, which allows for running tests on multiple machines in parallel to speed up test runs and reduce the total time of test suite execution. You can start, restart, or stop the Grid Hub server.


  • Usage:
sbase grid-node {start|stop|restart} [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

--hub=HUB_IP (The Grid Hub IP Address to connect to.) (Default: -v, --verbose (Increases verbosity of logging output.)

  • Output:

Controls the Selenium Grid node, which serves as a worker machine for your Selenium Grid Hub server. You can start, restart, or stop the Grid node.